Jewish community Chabad Lubavitch Moldova

The event was held at the memorial for the Jews of Kishinev. The Chief Rabbi of Moldova, Rabbi Zalman Abelsky, opened the ceremony with reciting some Tehillim and Kaddish for the Jews who perished in Kishinev during the Holocaust. Afterwards, everyone recited a prayer for the Final Redemption.

Candles were also lit in front of the memorial, which is located on Jerusalem Street.

The shluchim in Kishinev gave over the message that we must never forget the Holocaust and that we should get ready to greet the Messiah at any time, and not just on International Holocaust Day.

An additional event was also held on International Holocaust Day. Present were various ambassadors to Moldova and the representatives of various Jewish organizations.

At the shul on Chabad Lubavitch Street, prayers were recited in the memory of the victims of the Holocaust.


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